

Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this site – including, therefore, all the graphic interface elements and images that are not already protected by other copyrights – is owned and copyrighted by YTP Consulting srl. the content of the pages may not – in whole or in part – be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of the undersigned company; for personal use is permitted, however, store on your computer or to print extracts. Any violation will be prosecuted, with no notice whatsoever, by legal action provided by law. All trademarks, as well as any reference to private industrial rights not belonging to the Company YTP Consulting srl, are quoted for merely descriptive purposes, without any prejudice to the rights of their respective owners. However, any alleged violations at the hands of published here materials of third parties may be reported to the following address: info@it4partners.it. It is possible quotes for commentary, criticism or review, provided that they contain the name and the source, including the web address.

Link Agreement

Are permitted, without any request for authorization, the links from other sites to the first page of the website www.ytpconsulting.eu or on the inside pages of it (SO-CALLED deep linking); however, notification of link appreciated. The company YTP Consulting srl reserves however the right to request the removal of links to its own site if included in sites with contents that are obscene or otherwise contrary to morality and offensive or detrimental to its image. Without prior written permission of this company, they are expressly forbidden framing and every other similar form of reproduction. Our website includes links to other sites. YTP Consulting srl has not, however, no control over the structure and content of the linked pages. The only responsible for illegal, untrue or incomplete, as well as for damages resulting from the use of such information is therefore the hosting provider or the owner of the website to which reference is made.

Of responsibility and content editing statement

The contents offered by this website are prepared with the utmost care and diligence and are subject to careful scrutiny before being published. The undersigned company, however, declines all and every responsibility towards users and other third parties for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions deriving from the aforesaid contents; reporting any errors or inaccuracies are also welcome. More generally, unless otherwise provided by law, YTP Consulting srl can not be held liable in any way for damages of any kind caused – directly or indirectly – from access to the site, inability or impossibility of accessing it, by the truthfulness of the information contained therein or by their use.

The company, still, does not assume any responsibility for services offered by third parties with whom the website has activated a link as well as for any illegal content present in the third linked resource to the above link. links to external sites, in fact, are provided as a service to users, with consequent exclusion of any responsibility for the accuracy and / or completeness of the indicated links. YTP Consulting srl. reserves the right to modify the website content at any time and without notice.

Data controller

Controller of personal data deriving from access and use of the site is the company YTP Consulting srl. In order to know in detail the site is managed in relation to the processing of data of users who use it, please refer to the Private Policy document.