
Privacy policy

This text presents the YTP Consulting srl policy concerning the processing of data collected on this website. It will have as an objective the protection of your privacy and complies with current regulations.

Respect for privacy

YTP Consulting srl respects your right to privacy. In particular YTP Consulting srl does not sell, sells or otherwise transmit your personal data to third parties. Your data is not also never used for purposes for which you have previously given your express consent.

Security and discretion

YTP Consulting srl considers all your information as confidential information and treats it with the utmost discretion. We apply this principle to the collection of your data, which followed their production and storage, taking place equally safe.

Collected and used data

On this website the following data are collected: the data you entered in other forms accessible via the website, to the request for information, services or products. They are only collected to allow YTP Consulting srl to provide the information, services or products required. The data deriving from the registration of its server protocols. These protocols contain information about the type of browser you use, the pages you visited and the time you have spent on this website. They do not contain any information with regard to your person. YTP Consulting srl will not attempt in any way to make the data contained in the protocols of its servers in relation to people who have visited the site. Such data will only be used for statistical purposes, to allow YTP Consulting srl to figure out how best to structure this website. The data and information transmitted by you via e-mail are used only to respond. Your message and a copy of our response will be recorded for archival purposes. We remind you that for e-mail messages are not encrypted in any case there is no absolute certainty that the information will not be read by third parties.